
The Sam Smith Singers were formed some 40 years ago by Dan Earp, who is still our musical director. The name Sam Smith came from the well known beer of the same name. This was the groups favourite way of lubricating their vocal chords, and although there is now a mix of beverages it is a tradition that still continues to this day. The group reformed post pandemic lockdown at the end of 2022 and with membership building up and a growing repertoire the future is exciting – we’ve even got fancy waistcoats now!

Enjoyment is very much the ethos of our group, we are a sociable bunch of local men who find immense pleasure in singing in a Barbershop Chorus.  Based in Thornage we meet for rehearsals at 7 till 9pm on a Monday.  We are a friendly and supportive mixed ability group that operates in a relaxed atmosphere but with serious intent to produce a quality sound and performance.

We would like to increase our membership, so if you like the idea of singing as a hobby, you would be most welcome to join us. Previous musical experience is not necessary but a sense of rhythm, the  ability to hold a tune  and the willingness to learn are things most helpful. Barbershop is four different lines singing together without any backing instruments and we sing anything from Traditional Songs to Modern Rock Classics.

All learning materials are provided.  Go on, ‘give us a go’, it could be fun.